
Search: A keyword search is available in the calendar header to quickly search all events.

Other calendars and support: Select the Other Calendars & Resources button to view a list of additional calendars and support link. 


Event Type: Select Featured or All events from the drop-down menu.

Date: To view events for a specific date, simply use the date selection feature in the drop-down menu.

Categories: Select a specific category of events from the drop-down menu.

View Format: View events in a list view or traditional calendar view by selecting a format icon.

View other calendars

View additional calendars such as alumni events, academic calendars, student organization events and more. 


Submit event to Inside Missouri State (IMS): Use the linked form in the Resources section to submit an event for potential inclusion in IMS.

Calendar Support: Use the linked contact page for calendar support.  

Calendar editing

  • To gain access to add events to the calendar, you must complete calendar training.
  • Once you have completed training and are approved, access will be provided the week of April 8.

Calendar editor resources